Renee Parry

Director & Operations Manager

About me

Renee is a true superstar in the world of administration, possessing a deep understanding of every facet of property management and sales processes. With this comprehensive knowledge, Renee exhibits remarkable foresight, always staying one step ahead of her team to proactively ensure that all administrative aspects are impeccably managed. Her dedication to excellence makes her an invaluable asset to Parry Property.

With a wealth of knowledge at her disposal, Renee readily offers guidance and support to both the sales and property management teams. Her versatility shines through as she is often found in the office, taking care of tasks and updating the workspace to maintain a fresh and modern environment.

Renee's commitment to excellence recently earned her the prestigious title of "Tasmanian Operational Support Person of the Year" at the Annual REIT 2023 Awards for Excellence, a well-deserved recognition of her outstanding contributions to the field.

Coming from a background in the fast-paced 24-hour world, Renee places a high value on time. Her organisational skills and boundless energy are dedicated to saving her clients precious time. With her professionalism, proven track record of delivering bottom-line results, personal experience as a real estate owner, and expertise in Best Practice Systems, Renee excels in revolutionising and streamlining internal procedures.

Beyond her professional pursuits, Renee holds a Bachelor of Education degree and is a devoted mother to her children, Maxwell and Piper-Rose, alongside her partner David. Even with her busy schedule, Renee manages to find moments of relaxation and joy by spending quality time with her family, competing and riding her dressage horses, and cherishing moments with friends.

Renee's dedication, expertise, and passion shine through in every aspect of her life, making her a true leader in the fields of administration and real estate.